feminine innocence, raw sexuality


by Christy Flaherty

I'm inspired by light + shadow, film, soundtracks, and capturing moments in time that would otherwise be forgotten. Most of my work celebrates the femme fatale and all her mystery. Through my muses, I explore feminine innocence and raw sexuality. Nostalgic and cinematic, my portraits are caught somewhere between a memory and a dream.

My first love is video. Growing up, I had a huge VHS camcorder permanently attached to my shoulder - usually recording music videos or making scary movies with my sister. So when I discovered photography, it felt natural for me to approach it with a specific mood in mind. Most of my shoots have pretty extensive planning or storyboarding involved. And since I draw a lot of inspiration from films and soundtracks, my work has evolved to focus on a mysterious and powerful 'femme fatale' type of character. My aim with this series was to capture cinematic moments of different women that conveyed emotion (without dialogue or music) but with a surreal edge - a kind of "ultra reality."

Creating imagery like this, with nothing spelled out for the viewer, allows them to create their own story. This collection was shot on film and digital over the course of 2 years in apartments, at a carnival, on the street, in a parking lot - anywhere inspiration led me to create.

(click an image to expand and scroll through)