Ghost King - "Dunbar Swamp"

Ghost King, the alternative rock band based out of Brooklyn, New York have just released their second album, 'Dunbar Swamp'. Keeping consistent with their first album 'Bones' in 2015, Ghost King has continued to create a sound similar to that of The Frights and FIDLAR, and if you didn't know any better you would expect them to be a Southern Californian surf punk band.

Kicking off the album with heavy punk undertones, "Get Stoned" is an energetic start to 'Dunbar Swamp'. Vocal/guitarist Carter McNeil, bassist Noga Davidson, drummer Daniel Sweeney, and guitarist Pete Spengemen combine their talents in order to incorporate a steady drum beat and mind wandering guitar riff.

photo by @whataredogs

photo by @whataredogs

The original three piece lineup of Ghost King was formed by frontman and New York native, Carter McNeil. After spending his early years in Texas, McNeil moved back to New York where he formed the original lineup of Ghost King and soon after released their debut album 'Bones'.

Leading into their second track, "Slither" has heavy surf rock vibes and the lyrics, "Something drags me out of my skin / And I'm so happy but I can't swim" are reminiscent of getting out of your comfort zone with no concern or fear of failure. 

Unlike the vicious garage rock tone of the rest of the album, "Footsteps" and "Slip Away" both have similar calming ballad like sounds that force you to get lost in your own mind and swept away in the psychedelic guitar riffs and smooth vocals.

Closing of the album with “Through The Door", Ghost King moves back into their usual sound, but with a slight Modest Mouse undertone. The lyrics, "Everything's alright / Once you shut the light" leave you thinking about how easy it is to shut out reality and just focus on your existence in that moment. 

Collectively, 'Dunbar Swamp' is a strong second album for Ghost King and the mix of gritty guitar riffs and passionate screams create an aura of being at a backyard show in the middle of a mosh pit. 'Dunbar Swamp' can be found on Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Spotify and other music streaming sites!

If you happen to be in the New York area, drop by their album releases show with Ghost Funk Orchestra on February 8th, tickets are available here. Vinyl will also be available to purchase on the same day via Mind Altar Records!

Dunbar Swamp, an album by Ghost King on Spotify