The Hails: Thank God We Have The Internet

interview by Carly Tagen-Dye

When I think of Florida, I almost immediately think of The Hails. Formed in Gainesville, the band (Robbie Kingsley on lead vocals, Franco Solari on guitar/vocals, Dylan McCue on guitar, Andre Escobar on bass, and Zach Levy on drums) create the kind of sultry pop that is unfairly easy to lose yourself in. Songs like “Stay” and “Sugar” are perfect for late summer nights, luring you into them with their lyrics and riffs, and having you utterly in love by the time they’re over. The band recently spent some time on the road for a spring tour, sharing those songs with audiences around the East Coast and the South.

I first met The Hails around this time last year, where we discussed everything from their then new single “Cabaret” to their adamant opinions on Publix sugar cookies. Though it’s strange to see where 2020 has brought things, The Hails are confident in their ability to bounce back and put out music that’ll have us dancing again in no time.


It’s nice to talk to you all again. What have you been doing to pass the time lately?

Zach: Nice to talk to you again as well. It’s been a tough time, but we’ve been pushing through and trying to create some more music. Personally, I’ve been reading some books, like Acid For the Children by Flea. Generally, I’m trying to find some sort of spark of creativity in these times.

Robbie: Animal Crossing has helped pass the time. I have an island with my beautiful girlfriend, Alyssa, and we’ve upgraded our houses pretty quickly. Unfortunately, she moved her house to the other side of the island, away from mine, but I built a soccer field where her house used to be so it’s all good. I think I was annoying her with my extravagant fence.

I was sorry to hear that your tour was cut short this spring. You did manage to play some dates, though. Any shows that stuck out in particular?

Zach: The show in Charleston was absolutely wild. It was packed with 300 plus people. We weren’t expecting that. We had an incredible crowd and played with the awesome bands Little Bird and Rare Creatures. 

Robbie: Yeah, we hit it off with Little Bird and Rare Creatures. Those are some dope bands. Playing Raleigh for the first time meant a lot to me. We filled up this record shop on a Sunday afternoon. Charleston was crazy, though. I swear, I saw some kids hanging from the rafters of that place. We’re going back there ASAP.

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You all originally met at the University of Florida. For those who might not know, can you give us some insight into those early days of The Hails? 

Zach: Robbie and I met freshman year of college in the dining hall.

Robbie: Yeah, the classic love story. Naturally, we all liked hanging out together, so we decided to further the relationship and start a band. UF was a great breeding ground for us.

“Music is best when it pulls emotions out of you. If you feel strongly about our music, then we’ve done our job.”

Your latest release, “Sugar,” is so good. It speaks a lot to people who love to live freely, but also to people who hope to do so, too. What was the process of writing that song like? Do the lyrics mirror any of your own experiences in any way?

Robbie: If I remember correctly, Zach and I were hanging out with a lot of weirdos during that time period. I don’t know why, but they’d just be around at the house, doing whatever. Dylan had the song fully fleshed out and wrote some lyrics that reminded me of these freaks that were our friends, so when I crafted the story of “Jackie,” I simply combined people’s personalities.

Is there a general message that you hope people take away from your music?

Robbie: Music is best when it pulls emotions out of you. If you feel strongly about our music, then we’ve done our job. If not, then there’s more on the way that hopefully catches your ear.


You’ve stated before that you like the “juxtaposition of catchy melodies with powerful lyrics” when writing songs. What are you listening to when you write? Is there a single of yours that you had the most fun or most challenges making?

Robbie: I could be listening to anything during the times that I write. I’ve found my tastes changing faster than ever lately. BENEE and UPSAHL are some artists I’m looking at writing-wise that I’d like to emulate. “Cabaret” was probably the most fun single, but also the most challenging because I love the verses. They read like poetry, but the chorus is very mediocre. That was a song written around three years ago, so I’m not in the same headspace anymore. To me, that chorus is a lyrical letdown. Those verses are where it’s at, though.

Where’s the most unexpected place you’ve gotten inspiration from?

Robbie: I’m not really sure. Maybe from sports. I don’t consider my musical tastes to be anything insane. They’re probably safe, but I care about sports a good bit more than music, so I think that might bleed into my writing process. The spirit of competition, as they say.

What’s the best thing about a Hails show? Has the music scene in & around Gainesville seeped into your sets in any way?

Robbie: You know, I’ve always wanted to watch us live. That may sound conceited, but it would give me better insight into answering this question. In all seriousness, I think it’s just [about] hearing different versions of our songs. We won’t recreate our studio sound, so the audience gets to hear a slightly different version of each song, which is unique. Gainesville will always be a part of what we do. Every set starts off with letting people know we’re from there.


It’s an extremely weird time right now, especially for artists and musicians. Do you have any advice for your fellow creatives who might be in a rut right now? 

Robbie: Good thing we have the internet. Otherwise we’d be completely out of luck. Just do your thing and show it. Hopefully they fuck with it.

What are some of the best things in your life right now, musical or non-musical?

Robbie: Full circle here, but Animal Crossing is amazing. 

“Just do your thing and show it. Hopefully they fuck with it.”

Though it’s tough to look too far ahead, what are some things you’re looking forward to this year?

Robbie: Playing shows and releasing music. That’s what it feels like we’re living for, and it’s so close. I’m ready for some of that excitement.

Finally, any last parting words of wisdom? Anything else you’d like us to know?

Robbie: Just keep checking in on us and seeing what we’re up to. I don’t know what we’ll be doing in a week. We’re just playing it by ear right now, which is actually pretty fun.

If you’re in need of more The Hails content, check out their FaceTime sessions on IGTV for some amazing acoustic performances.