I cried every day of quarantine

★  words + stills by maybelle peaches

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I cried every day of quarantine

Many called this time the manifestation of the book of Revelations;

Others remembered Noah’s Ark

Either way, they all found themselves in the confusion of this mess while

I forgot the days of the week and started counting them by sunrise and sunset,

Whichever came first

I loved you every day of quarantine

Showers felt warmer,

And sleeping wasn’t lonely

We ate together each day

Sometimes I’d cook; sometimes Nana would

And the food always tasted better, eating next to you

I wrote every day of quarantine

Though, most of my words were empty thoughts that I’d soon forget

Nonetheless, writing connected me to a higher self I didn’t know existed.

I sunk into each syllable

And felt the rhythm of my words

Shake my body into dance