PREMIERE: Alt Bloom - Stay

words by Kyla Rain, behind-the-scenes photos by Stephanie Saias

With the premise of this song based around a rainy day in Los Angeles, it was ironic that I might be writing this review on, in fact, a rainy day in LA.

“Because rainy days almost never happen here, I wanted to write a song where I’m asking someone to just stay inside and experience that with me… It’s asking them to ignore whatever they need to do that day—just shut out the rest of the world so we can enjoy this special thing together.” — Alt Bloom.

Although I can say I have not ignored my responsibilities (I’m currently sitting in an office, waiting for emails to tell me what my next three hours will look like), I wish I would have taken the artists advice. If the sound of wind and rain from outside the building wasn’t enough to make me want to walk back home and crawl into bed, this latest release by artist Ethan Thompson sure did me in.


Going by the name Alt Bloom, Ethan releases his new single, ‘Stay,’ at the absolute perfect moment. With “fall” hitting the air, us Los Angeles people crave the perfect elements to make us feel like this season really exists. Stay opens up with a soft mood, wrapped in warm guitar lines and comforting vocals. As the chorus opens, however, we get hit with an intensity that not necessarily changes the energy Thompson has cultivated, but provides it with a new vigor and purity.

The song touches on the ideas of love, a wistful and “slow-buring” intensity that envelops us from head to toe. “A lot of my songs right now are coming from that turning point of going from liking someone to loving them, Thompson has explained in an interview. “At the beginning of ‘Stay’ it’s a little tentative, where I’m still on the line between like and love—but then by the end, I’m just jumping right in and taking everything to a whole new place.”

You can stream this latest release, ‘Stay,"‘ on all major platforms.

Download/stream "October Eyes" here: Subscribe to Alt Bloom YouTube: Listen to more Alt Bloom music here: Connect with Alt Bloom: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: -- "STAY" LYRICS: Yea yea yea yea Rooftop dripping thundering Bless my soul n my skin Trace the shape that you're