Desktop Diaries: Nari

Interview & Photos by Athena Merry, Collages by Jade

these interviews were conducted over zoom + email between april and july of 2020. the answers are mostly unedited, offering an honest insight into the headspace of various bands/musicians across the world during these months.

you can read more desktop diaries here.



How have you been, really

I’ve been doing better everyday. Most days feel unreal but I’ve been getting through it.

How has quarantine affected the way you create? Are there any changes that surprised you? Anything that’s remained the same?

Ideas have been running dry, I usually write about things going on in my life but nothing is happening right now. I try to force it, but I just can’t write anything that sticks.

Where have you been finding inspiration in isolation? And expanding on that, what’s the most random thing that has inspired you?

Embarrassingly enough, I’ve been watching Rom Coms and Romance movies to try and write. I just pretend I’m in the movie and try to write about that. I also find myself getting worked up over little things my crush does via text to stir up some feelings in me, but it’s all dumb. My brain is pretty much fried right now.

What does your typical day look like now? 

I usually will try to wake up early, and if I can, I will check my emails and texts, take an Apple cider vinegar shot, and have breakfast. Then I’ll think about doing school work but nine times out of ten I don’t do it, and I play Animal Crossing instead. I will literally do that until dinner time. I’ll take breaks in between to play guitar and eat food, but Animal Crossing has taken over my life. I enjoy creating, it gives me purpose. Since I can’t make music, I’m making a beach boardwalk in Animal Crossing.

Have you picked up any new habits? (conscious or unconscious) 

I don’t do it anymore, but the first two weeks of quarantine I kept staying up until 7am and sleeping until 5pm. It was the worst.

What do you find important right now? This can be as broad and world-effecting or as small and self-focused as you want. 

It’s been important for me to be introspective during this time and try to work on better habits. I struggle a lot with my mental health, so I’ve been taking this time to rest and get to really know myself and build myself up.

As a musician unable to play live shows - how do you find yourself connecting with fans, now? How do you think this is impacting our experience of and relationship with music? 

It sucks to not be able to play shows since I just got to playing live earlier this year. I’ve been doing a lot of Q&A’s on my instagram. I’m always pretty active there and try to reply to fans. I think it’s such a weird thing that we are having to play shows via live stream, and it shouldn’t feel weird. It’s completely necessary right now. I find myself feeling awkward doing it, the delay on comments really messes with me because I’ll ask, “how is everyone!” and I’ll have to wait a minute before the replies pop up. I’m a much better live performer and I hope people are taking it easy on bands who are doing live, it’s really hard to look at yourself and play to your phone or laptop.

What was the last selfish thing you did? 

I like to think I’m not very selfish but I did buy a switch right when quarantine started and I am pretty glad I did.

Tell us about the last time you truly felt free.

The last time I felt free was when I was back home in the Bay Area for my birthday. I currently go to school in the Midwest and I just feel pretty alone out here, it’s been almost a year since I’ve been home and seen my family and friends. The California sun does my skin wonders and I love to be close to the beach and be surrounded by the mountains.

What’s something you’re proud of at the moment? 

I’m proud of my first year of music! I’ve accomplished so much in just a year; I made a song with a band I listened to a lot in high school, I got signed by my current label, I made a music video, and I just finished up recording an EP! I never thought I’d be able to consistently write music since it’s something I’ve never done before last year, but now it’s something I’ve been able to turn into a job.

What long term effects do you think this experience will have on you moving forward?

I’ll definitely not take any experiences for granted anymore and I’ll definitely take time off. Part of why I haven’t been home in so long is because I’ve been putting my music first, but after finishing up my EP I feel more confident in my ability to create and I’ll definitely try to give myself a rest here and there.

What’s one thing you wish you would have done more of? One thing you will do more of after the pandemic has ended?

I wish that I would have played more music with my bandmates outside of band practice. They’re all such talented musicians I feel like a fraud sometimes! After the pandemic ends I definitely want to go home and see my family, I miss them terribly. I just keep sending them my interview links and my music links, so I’ll definitely have to give them a call here and there.