Desktop Diaries: Campbell Burns of Vacations

Interview & Photos by Athena Merry, Collages by Jade

these interviews were conducted over zoom + email between april and july of 2020. the answers are mostly unedited, offering an honest insight into the headspace of various bands/musicians across the world during these months.

you can read more desktop diaries here.

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Vacation / Campbell Burns

How have you been, really

I’ve been well! I’ve caught cabin fever a few times recently but Australia looks like it’ll be lifting some restrictions over the next few weeks.

How has quarantine affected the way you create? Are there any changes that surprised you? Anything that’s remained the same?

A lot of my life has actually stayed the same since COVID-19. I have a studio at home where I do most of my work, so I’m still able to write and record music at a moments notice. I think if anything, quarantine has been getting me into collaborating and producing for my friends since the Vacations album, Forever in Bloom, is now finished. It's been a great way to stay social and creative! It’s also been lovely to take a break and work on new projects that differ from yours, I feel like it’s been keeping me sharp and open-minded. If you’re reading this and work on your own music, I’d love to hear it! Drop me a line sometime ( hahaha). My photography has taken more of a hit since I love to go out and take my camera with me, shooting my friends or taking press shots for artists. Being stuck inside stops all of that but it’s been fun to navigate that challenge! I’ve been shooting my housemates and experimenting with self-portraits, I’ve learnt a lot from it and I’m paying more attention than ever to composition and lighting. It’s like one door closes and another one opens, I’m just going for it and trying my best.

Where have you been finding inspiration in isolation? And expanding on that, what’s the most random thing that has inspired you?

My days mostly revolves around coffee, cooking, walks, rest, and reading a book or watching a movie. Making music or taking photos here and there too, when I’m feeling it.

What does your typical day look like now? 

I’ve been watching a lot more movies than I usually do. I’ve taken more interest in the cinematography too since so much of it can apply to photography, here’s my isolation list so far:

  • 400 Blows

  • Rebels of the Neon God

  • Floating Weeds

  • Mystery Train

  • House

  • Ghost World

  • Rushmore

  • Parasite

  • Knives Out

  • From Dusk till Dawn

  • Paterson

  • Good Time

  • Logan Lucky

Have you picked up any new habits? (conscious or unconscious) 

This will sound counter-intuitive, but doing less is important to me. Staying in touch with my family and friends has been crucial as well.

What do you find important right now? This can be as broad and world-effecting or as small and self-focused as you want. 

Mornings. Waking up first thing and making coffee for me and my partner while she’s in bed playing Animal Crossing and then coming back to hop into bed with her to read a book. It’s peaceful, and I’m extremely grateful I can spend my time like this.

As a musician unable to play live shows - how do you find yourself connecting with fans, now? How do you think this is impacting our experience of and relationship with music? 

Through friends and social media, there are so many people making the most of this situation and it’s inspiring to see some of the ideas and concepts that come out of it. I recently did a photoshoot as a part of a series of musicians in isolation by an Australian photographer that was done over Skype, it was fun!

What was the last selfish thing you did? 

I ate my birthday cake in one sitting and didn’t share it—it was a tiny gourmet one from my grandma. I have no regrets.

What’s something you’re proud of at the moment? What long term effects do you think this experience will have on you moving forward? 

I’m proud of my friends and what we’ve worked on during this time, I can’t wait for them to get their names out there and show themselves to the world(!). I just turned 25 and have been reflecting a lot on my younger-self recently, and since isolation. I’ve also been doing a lot of work on myself through therapy and feel a little “lighter” these days. Being present in the moment and being more kind to myself is something I’ll carry with me in the future.