A Garden of Eden & The Mysticism of Femininity


Hello friends, we just wanted to take a moment to highlight a wonderful submission we received a few months back. Written, directed, and scored by young creator Jennifer Whitehead, this film is one we knew we had to share with you all. Garden of Eden is a short film that will keep you enveloped in it’s every second, from music to the character development, you’ll be analyzing each move until the end. With a focus on the divine feminine, Jennifer spoke a bit about the creation of this film herself:

“Garden of Eden is a short film starring six talented and passionate young artists. It has been described as haunting and empowering, and the gorgeous visuals paired with meaningful glances and delicate piano lends itself to a variety of interpretations. The idea for this short film came out of a desire to be surrounded by women in a space dedicated to playing with the inherent femininity of the occult. To me, this film amplifies the beautiful mysticism of femininity - as well as the intense bonds that can be formed. Ideally, this film will leave you with a smile, some goosebumps, and a desire to sing and dance in the forest in freezing temperatures with your best gal pals.”

We hope you enjoyed this project as much as we did, we hope it inspires and empowers you as much as it did us. So why don’t you take Jennifer’s advice, who doesn’t love a good forest dance party?

Connect with your divine feminine force.

an encounter with divine femininity