News Rewind 04


by Sarah Kadous | shot by Nadz Banaag

a bite-sized, fortnightly round-up of current affairs on this little planet of ours

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Trump’s Tax Returns Will Remain Unseen (for now)

According to Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, the Democratic Party, along with the rest of the nation, will never lay eyes on U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax returns. This statement follows an ongoing discussion provoked by Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) in which he called for “President Donald Trump's tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service for the past 6 years”.

Motel 6 Reveals Their Guest Lists with ICE

It was recently discovered that the American privately-owned hospitality Motel 6 has been illegally providing the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement with private information of their guests. This violation of privacy initiated by at least seven Motel 6 locations have subjected families to with “Latino sounding names” to “including the detention and deportation of many guests and the suffering of their families”, as explained in the state case. After the private information leak of 80,000 customers, Motel 6 will now be paying a $12 million settlement to the state of Washington, which, according to the attorney general's office, will be dedicated to patching up the monetary damages of the event.  

He Did Not Hold Back: Beto O’Rourke on Netanyahu

While speaking on behalf of his campaign in Iowa, Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas's 16th congressional district criticized Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for his “racist” ostracizing of Arabs.  Titling the U.S.-Israel relationship as one of the most important relationships “on the planet”, O’Rourke explains how PM Netanyahu “warns about Arabs coming to the polls, who wants to defy any prospect for peace as he threatens to annex the West Bank, and who has sided with a far-right, racist party in order to maintain his hold on power.” These words come amidst raising tensions between the latest wave of presidential candidates and other representatives refusing to attend the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee  (AIPAC) Convention, O’Rourke. The election for Israel’s latest PM were held on Tuesday, April 9, and Blue and White candidate Benny Gantz is tied with current PM Netanyahu. Should Netanyahu win, he will be the longest serving PM in the history of Israel.

A Contingent of US Troops Pulled Out of Libya

According to America’s leading commander in Africa, the U.S. pulled out a contingent of their troops from the country of Libya due to a rise in violence in its capital city, Tripoli. This event follows the rise of a military Libyan National Army opposition to the internationally recognized Government of National Accord of Libya, led by military commander Khalifa Haftar. "The security realities on the ground in Libya are growing increasingly complex and unpredictable," U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Thomas Waldhauser

Netflix is Taking On Beyonce x Coachella

A (rather likely) intentionally leaked teaser has Beyonce fans everywhere anticipating the release of a Netflix based documentary covering the story of the star’s 2018 Coachella Festival performance. The documentary was previously hinted at by the multibillion dollar company through what seems to be an uncoincidental portrayal of Beyonce and her stage crew wearing their iconic yellow outfits. The documentary welcomes its subtle publicity just in time for the 2019 Coachella Festival.

DC’s Shazam Sprints to Success

Shazam was the number one film in Canada and the U.S. in its opening weekend, earning $53.5 million right off the bat ($56.8 million including preview ticket sales). This comes as a major success to DCEU after the unanticipated criticism of Batman v Superman. Though Shazam is new to the superhero game and holds a much less recognizable title than Batman, Wonder Woman, and Joker, this seventh DC film paired with the triumphant Aquaman last year is most certainly aiding the company’s rise to redemption.

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen Forcefully Resigned

Over the weekend, Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen was forced to resign from her position. Known as the face to the Trump Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, Nielsen was kicked to the side to make way for President Trump’s eve stricter immigration intentions. This event meets thousands of undocumented Americans with great fear. Under Nielsen, many families experienced separation at the hands of ICE and thus her firing on the basis of tightening up immigration policy leaves an era of unpredictable events to follow under whomever the newly appointed HSS will be.

Update on the US College Admission Scandal

Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman is among twelve names involved in the college  admission scandal of last month that has pleaded guilty to bribery and gaming entrance systems as well as mail fraud. Huffman’s daughter Sophia Grace Macy apparently held no knowledge of the event, as her mother admits to “betraying” her trust. Lori Loughlin, commonly known as Aunt Becky from Full House, remains under the many names involved in the scandal that have not taken on any plea deals nor given public comments on the case.

Trump Is Not a Fan of the NY Times

6 years-that's how long the POTUS Donald Trump says it will take for the NY Times to completely fade out. The former statement came after the paper wrote an article regarding Trump’s intentions with sending migrants to sanctuary cities. On Friday, Trump tweeted “Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only....” This tweet brought to the surface a series of questions regarding the safety hazard and abuse of power that comes with  concentrating migrant communities. The White House Reporter for the Times Maggie Haberman responded to Trump’s comments and tweets that the article was not “fact checked” by claiming that the White House Press Team was contacted for a statement. Finally, Trump blasted another article that states he planned to pardon Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan if closing the U.S.-Mexico border falls unsuccessful. “I never offered Pardons to Homeland Security Officials, never ordered anyone to close our Southern Border (although I have the absolute right to do so, and may if Mexico does not apprehend the illegals coming to our Border), and am not “frustrated.” It is all Fake & Corrupt News!”

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is Under Attack-Again

After the POTUS tweeted (sorry our president tweets a lot. Get used to it.) an out-of -context video from a far right group of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar speaking about the tragic events of 9/11, Democratic representatives took to the internet to condemn Trump’s explicit singling out of Rep. Omar. Presidential Candidate Warren wrote: “The President is inciting against a sitting Congresswoman – and an entire group of Americans based on their religion. It’s disgusting. It’s shameful. And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it.” Omar has since received numerous death threats through social media.

Shooting in Melbourne

The Australian city of Melbourne experienced the tragic death of one man and severe injury of three people after a shooting outside a nightclub on Saturday. Though Australia’s gun laws were strictly reformed in 1996 after a mass shooting that killed 35 people, the question of whether or not gun ownership is increasing in the nation remains.