The Art of Attending a Concert Alone
Article by Zoe Gandy
Photos by Ella Flaherty
Do you want to attend a show? Are your friends (if any) uninterested? By the looks of it, you may have to walk into the wild - ALONE. However, ne vous inquiétez pas, which means don’t fret or worry, because my guide is going to change your concert-going life… forever.
(Post-show Dennys trip at midnight)
There’s no doubt in my mind that you have concerns (or, you wouldn’t be reading this article. Unless you’re just bored; I don’t know your life). The first few concerts you attend alone will probably consist of the same self-loathing questions:
“What will happen?”
“Will I be okay?”
“Is this how babies are made?”
Something to keep in mind is, regardless of whether or not you go with someone, there will always be fears and concerns. This is often referred to as you’re-sad-that-you’re-going-alone-to-a-concert-and-are-worried-about-possible-circumstances anxiety. Seriously, it can be a very stressful and worrisome experience. At my first show alone, I couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if my ticket didn’t register as valid, or how people would treat me, or what if I was trampled or stomped on, etc. But letting those thoughts consume you is only going to drain you emotionally, before you even arrive at the event.
A plus when attending shows alone is that people typically feel sorry for you, and then befriend you based on pity. KIDDING - but you do tend to be able to make friends easier at shows when you're alone. Maybe it's less intimidating to talk to you because you’re alone and not in a group? Regardless of why, it's true. In the end, maybe even somebody else went alone too, and you become friends based on that experience alone!
February 13th, 2016. Seven concert junkies arrive at the venue - Soma San Diego - six hours prior to the concert starting (yes, six hours). At first, it's very awkward, with short-lived mumbles every so often. But by the last three-to-four hours, they're all gathered in a circle, bonds created and memories made based on the shared love for the bands playing that night. That story is indeed my first lone concert experience, and I’m happy to say that today, those crazy concert junkies happen to be some of the most radical people I’ve had the pleasure to meet. Also - plot twist - two of them run this magazine.
In the end, keep in mind that everyone is there for the same thing, which is to enjoy the same musical experience. There’s no reason to worry or overthink, because regardless of whether you attend alone or with a group, you’re all sharing the night, and the bands are typically just grateful for your love and support. After everything’s said and done, you'll be left with some of the greatest memories ever to treasure, and maybe some of the greatest people to treasure as well.
Good luck out there!