March Edit

March. This month never seems to stick out in my head, but this one certainly does. It’s been a whirlwind of fun, with several lows and a whole lot of self realisation. I’ve had the most amazing time with all these beautiful people, and I’ve been listening to a lot of deep stuff (ted talks, podcasts, even some movies …). I’ve also been hard at work planning some exciting content for you all!

In other news, I found out last week that I was accepted into a program that involves going away for ten weeks and heading up the coast. It’s incredibly exciting and terrifying, but it does mean no laptop and no phone. I’ll queue a lot of posts for the blog over April, May and June … but there won’t be much activity on my social platforms, and there might be less interactivity with everyone here. I will have access to emails, so don’t forget to sign up to the newsletter so I can stay in touch with you all!



TED Talks. A big resolution this year for me was to watch more TED Talks (and listen to more podcasts). I spend so much time mindlessly clicking around on the internet, it’s refreshing to soak in some actual goodness and inspiration every day. My favourites this month were:

I’m 17 – Kate SimmondsKate challenges stereotypes and pleads with the world for adults and teenagers to come together. Worth the listen even if just to reaffirm your own views, thoughts and struggles.

100 Days of Rejection. Jia Jiang talks about our fear of rejection, and what he learnt from throwing himself at rejection.

Michael Moore – Where to invade next. I love Michael Moore. Australia needs a Michael Moore. Regardless, this is one of my favourites of his – eye-opening, humbling, and makes you question pretty much everything. Also makes me want to move to Germany. They pay for three-week spa treatments for you when you’re feeling stressed. I know, right?

Love Actually and Crazy Stupid Love. Got really sick right at the end of Feb/beginning of March and re-watched 6 movies (I think?) in one weekend, and these two were the highlights. I’ll never stop being fiercely in love with these.

Messy Head PodcastsMy monday morning ritual – upload a new post on Seafoam, and listen to the new Messy podcast.

My Year 12 lifeA new Australian series live on 14 year 12 students make daily video diaries, and it’s been all edited together to create an honest look into an average year 12 life. Throughout the series I fell in love with some of the people and developed a strong hatred for others, but either way, it’s an interesting insight.

The Messy Effect and Tour. Okay, this is just Cartia and Emma talking, but it’s possibly the most open, candid, honest video I have ever watched. They have no plan, they’re just rambling, trying to communicate their thoughts and the realisation of their youth that has only just hit them. This is the sort of excitement you need to be striving for in your life.


OCD. You’ve probably heard this one before – it went viral twice. But here’s a small introduction to Neil Hilborn, creator of some of my favourite spoken poems. This piece stops all the breath in your chest, I don’t know how else to describe it. Listen to this, and then every other piece this man has written. Trust me.

Check out Neil's book (which includes "OCD"): Help Button keep broadcasting! Check us out on Patreon: Subscribe to Button! New video daily: Performing during individual finals at the 2013 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam.

I’m naked. Honesty at its finest.

this is me in my most vulnerable. in my naked honesty. This video will be a reminder that i can always turn the darkness into something.. beautiful, if you will. I will go back to it and be reminded to be more gentle with myself. Have more patience. And to stop comparing.

Pisces New Moon. The lovely Haley Appell – one of my biggest sources of inspiration, and someone I adore in every sense of the word – first posted this on twitter before uploading to YouTube. An assortment of shots during the night of the Pisces full moon, she makes drying her hair with a towel seem cinematic.

In order to move forward we must fully accept what has happened in the past. We must face it without guilt, regret, or disdain. Living is learning. Learning is loving. Loving is living. Test shots for an upcoming project. Shot & edited by myself @haleyappell

Chi e Paolo Raeli? (Who is Paolo Raeli?). My favourite photographer finally released his first video – and oh man, did I fall hard for this. He observes facets of himself and his life and voices them all in italian, and then pairs it with imagery that makes your heart feel too big inside you.

TURN SUBS ON IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ITALIAN! :) I hope it wasn't too boring.. Subscribe and let me know what you think! You can also follow me on IG: Love, P.

Redwood Solstice. Life and music captured perfectly.

3 amazing days with my favorite people on solstice weekend spent under the redwoods, listening to the best music, and lounging in the river!

Super 8 by Adrian Bliss. These are everything.

At the start of 2015 I bought a Super 8 camera and a box of film with a view to capture the best moments of my year. Here they are... Song: Home (cover) by Tom Rosenthal Originally by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros Listen to it here: Camera: Canon 518 SV.

My year shot on Super 8 film, scored by Tom Rosenthal. 'Did You Ever Notice?' original song by Tom Rosenthal ( 'Did You Ever Notice?' on Soundcloud: Last year's video: Cameras: Canon 514 XL & Canon 518 SV. Film: Kodak Vision 3 Color Negative Film (50D & 200T).

Spirit Sciences – Chakras. I highly recommend checking out this whole channel and watching the rest of this series. This one is a basic overview of and introduction to chakras – it explains the entire topic really well and equips you with all the basics to begin learning more.

This episode is all about the ancient esoteric system known as Chakras! The most common Chakra system is the basic seven, known as: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. These seven are also referred to by their Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna and Sahasrara.


The Writers Room. I bought this for myself after a big competition win. It’s a collection of long interviews with writers, and is something I’ve been slowly reading my way through. It’s the sort of book that you want to highlight paragraphs of, but everything’s so damn good you can’t figure out which bits to highlight. A must-read for writers AND readers alike.

It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be. A book exploring success and how closely linked it is to mindset.

The Seven Spiritual Laws to Success. A tiny, pocket-sized book, by Deepak Chopra. It might take you an hour to read from start to finish, but I find it more helpful to pick it up and read through the chapters I most need at that time. I have phrases underlined and paragraphs circled, and it’s become my personal little bible for all things life and happiness. A must-read.

DesiderataMan, if you only read one poem in your entire life, make it this. Scratch that – if you only read one thing in your entire life, make it this. It’s been hanging in my bathroom since I was 2 years old, and at one point I had it memorised. These words never fail to touch everything inside me.



Blanket Jacket. I’m not sure what to call this – I’ve previously referred to it as my wearable blanket. It’s basically a long blanket shaped to fit around your neck and over your shoulders, topped with fringe and warm fuzz. Must have for pretty much everything.

$10 flare plants. Right at the start of this month, I got my hands on the grooviest pair of pants that has ever existed at a vintage sale I went to. They’re super high-waisted with really thick elastic, feel like silk on my legs, are patterned with a hippy-mandala sort of look, and flare out wide at the ankles. I wear them with everything, and just sliding them on is the biggest confidence boost ever; I feel like an empowered women ready to kick ass.

Vintage Surf Tees. Bought one from my friend Nadia up on the sunshine coast (@nadiaswardrobe) and am in loooove. So big and baggy and made of this thick, quality material.



Frozen grapes. Buy a bag of these little gems, fill a container or two, and freeze. Pull out when in need of cold, candied fruit.

Basic frozen smoothie. Easy + delicious. Chop up one frozen banana, grab a couple of handfuls of frozen mixed berries, throw in a tablespoon of un-sweetened greek yoghurt, a splash of coconut water, some honey and chia seeds and blend until smooth. Top with anything – granola/muesli, dried/fresh fruit, nuts, seeds … This is honestly the most customisable, easy recipe – replace or add any of your favourite ingredients. Love peanut butter? Just throw it in.

Cookie in a mug. Need I say more? Check out my fav recipe for when you need a cookie but only one.

Raspberries. My favourite treat. $7 for a punnet is a lot, but it’s my favourite thing in the world right now. I would live on raspberries if I could.

Corn chips. Someone please stop me from eating so much of these.



@girlsinreallife – I am incredibly in love with everything this online mag is doing. A candid portrayal of everything #girl, they pop up in my feed multiple times a day with constant sources of inspiration, creativity and honesty.

@ambermozo – purely for the dreamy photos. She also recently released a short film !

@getnakedaustralia – I love this goddamn country.

@paoloraeli – I mentioned him under watch too, but this guys deserves your attention. are his photos even real??? – An incredible organisation in NYC, exhibiting the work of teens in professional spaces. Beyond excited to tell you I recently interviewed co-director Gustie Owens, and it’s coming to Seafoam soon.

@obsessee – you could say … I’m obsessed with obsessee. …………….. no? ……….. okay.



Vinyl. I’ve been in love with vinyl for over a year now, but recently I’ve been putting a record on before bed and falling asleep to the gentle tones of Bon Iver and Ben Howard. Dreamy, crackling love.

Of monsters and men. An old favourite of mine. These albums were such a big part of my life two years ago, it’s like going straight back to the past.

LORDE HOLY SHIT. Can we just talk about how fucking excited I am for the new album. I’ve been waiting three long years for this, and I cannot describe how in love I am with her new sound already. Green Light has been on repeat for nearly the entire month.

On the subject of new albums … Halsey. I think it’s rumoured she’s releasing a new album later this year? Has that been confirmed yet? I’m also crazy excited for this, because a new album means a new tour!! I saw her very early last year at her very first headlining show, and I’m beyond excited to see her for the second time.

Adele, Coldplay, U2 … I feel this whole month has been very nostalgic in terms of music. Just where I’m leaning towards right now I suppose.

The tracks that have been on repeat all month: // Plenty of old stuff - 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. The rest mostly leans towards electronic backings and paired back lyrics. A perfect backing tape.


This photo shoot: Freya Haley

These blogs: Cinnamon Honeythe Collaborative CoChloe Larkin

WeekplanI can’t imagine life without this website. The only way I’m managing to cope with a to-do list about a mile and a half long.

Bearhug. A period tracker that lives in Facebook messenger. Text it when you get your period and over time it figures out your cycle, reminds you when it’s coming up, and is the sweetest computer to communicate with ever. So much love for this thing – download it at the app store.

Coffee Scrubs. Invigorating, refreshing, + smooth, baby-soft skin – need I say more? I’ve fallen in love with coffee scrubs, and best of all, it’s so easy to make them at home. Check out my DIY post here.

LUSH Rub Rub Scrub. Pretty much any Lush product I invest in is going to make the monthly edit. Such a luxury, and so worth it. This is a bright blue shower scrub – use on damp skin in the shower, or before stepping under the water. I love to grab handfuls and massage into my legs before I even get wet – leaves me with impossibly smooth skin.