"Nowhere To Hide" – An Interview With DESTROY BOYS

Destroy Boys is a garage punk/rock band from Sacramento, California consisting of Alexia Roditis on vocals, Ethan Knight on drums, and Violet Mayugba on vocals and guitar. Ethan and Violet have been friends since they were thirteen, but the band officially started in October 2015 when “Alexia and I,” Violet states, “coincidentally happened to meet, and have been making music together ever since.” The band’s passion for music is evident throughout their songs, and paired with with an iconic name, Destroy Boys, there’s no going wrong.


This of course, led to always the most interesting question… How did they come up with the name of their band? Vi openly responded saying, “ I was in a bad spot with boys and wrote “ Destroy Boys” on  my chalkboard. Alexia and I had been messing around with music and it just hit me! That was gonna be our band name! I called her immediately.” Like the name of their band, Vi adds that problems that they have also inspires their music and lyrics.

Some might wonder what sets this group apart from the rest? Well, with their songs that go from folky to full on angst, the vibes just appeals to listeners in a way that some other band’s can’t seem to accomplish. “We have a different sound and we actually like each other,” says Violet. “We don’t try to be like anybody else. We make music for ourselves and don’t try to impress anybody,  but if people like it, then that’s rad.” This group’s humor and passion for music is what makes them so successful and appealing to fans and seem so fun to even just casually hangout with.

When asked what their favorite memory from any show has been, the band responds with a comical story that “When we were playing a show in Atascadero at, like, a crack house and we were walking around because it was in farm country. We walked past these horses and Ethan started running at them full speed and they damn near charged at him.” Like I said before, this group knows how to have fun and enjoy every moment the journey of music.

I inquired about their goals for advancing their band and music in the next year, and they responded excitedly saying, ”Tour a lot, release new music, and make as many new memories as possible!” As this extraordinary group of people continue to work on some new rad tracks, I asked about some artists that they greatly admire and look up to. Vi responds saying, ”Laura Jane Grace from Against Me! And my dad,” Ethan adds, “Keith Moon,” and  jokingly states “Lil Uzi Vert and Chief Keef.” Lastly, Alexia answers with, “ The Garden, Sleater-Kinney, and Lady Gaga.” Most people can agree, music can have a powerful effect on yourself as a person, however, it impacts people in different ways. Leading to my last and probably one of the most important questions,  “How has music impacted you as a person today?” 

The band responds individually stating: 

Ethan: Made me sweaty and happy.

Vi: Changed my life, fixed every single one of my problems. It has been my savior in every possible way. I will follow music for the rest of my life. Also made me sweaty and happy.

Alexia: It helped me be more confident in all aspects of life. It’s easier for me to speak in public now and I’ve overall become way more comfortable in my own skin. When you’re on stage, performing as yourself, there’s nowhere to hide, and that helped me overcome any fears and shame that I had.

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to the members of Destroy Boys. Make sure to check them out on Bandcamp and stay posted for future releases!