A New Era for The Aquadolls

by Alana Johnson

Attention all Aquadolls fans: the wait is over.

Two new singles have been released, and an announcement that an album will soon follow! At a Regrettes show I recently attended, Melissa Brooks was in the crowd and I got the chance to ask her about how she felt to finally put out some new music. (Hint: she was utterly ecstatic).

Back and better than ever, our very own space princess has given us some key songs of the summer, Bleach and Runaway (The Jam).

Upon listening, I couldn’t’ help but notice that the energy in these songs are quite contrasting to the former sound of The Aquadolls. It’s no secret the new tracks lack that surf-punk vibe which is so prevalent on “Stoked On You,” and we were curious as to what she has in store for the next album. According to Melissa, there will be not only a grungy, “Hole, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, noise-rock” sound, similar to Runaway, but also an electric sound, something like, “a bloody My Chemical Romance anthem, but the blood is soaked in glitter and tears.”

That description alone was enough to sell me on this new image for Melissa and the band as a whole. I really feel like this is the beginning of a new era, a new chapter for this already prevalent SoCal staple.

Melissa was also able to explain, in depth, the meaning behind these kickass new songs.

free download https://theaquadolls.bandcamp.com/album/bleach-7 heartbreaker, move it or lose it, before i lose my shit you tried to run off with the pieces of my heart but you ran too slow, so i catch up with it stomach bender, you make me sick fucked me up once, didn’t have to think twice to end it all say its done be a dick then be nice fake it and lie and pretend were as cool as ice yeah right i’m gonna make sure that you bleed like i bled swallow the words you said life in torture’s worse than being dead cut the shirts you lent me into crop tops yeah, i’ll knock your socks off (with a blow torch instead) fucking with you’s worse than being dead a heart breaker’s favorite beverage is ice cold bleach with a side of bitch and a shot of whine served on ice, neat! it’s mighty fine the way you feel with you drink it down you okay? what’s with the frown? legs upside down, now you’re on the ground wake up hon’ you’ve had a long, long rest while you were out, i did something to your head i cut tiny little pieces of your heart right out of your chest now every time you think of me, you won’t forget, no i’m gonna make sure that you bleed like i bled swallow the words you said life in torture’s worse than being dead cut the shirts you lent me into crop tops yeah, i’ll knock your socks off (with a blow torch instead) fucking with you’s worse than being dead fuck you, you piece of shit you think you’re hot, but you aren’t shit not even flies and maggots would flock to you grosser than the bottom of my beat up shoe scum and dirt, a rat at best you wear lace thongs underneath your dress do you even have a heart beating in your chest? vomit and bile, you’re vile at best! a scaredy-cat douche bag, you turned out like the rest look in the mirror, can’t you tell you’re a mess? yeah you wrecked it, how could i forget it the deed is done, no way to fix it i can’t believe i ever fucked with you you’re a crazy little chicken who escaped from the coup wastoid junkie sitting on a fence tryna make a dollar out of fifteen cents (fart noise) i’m gonna make sure that you bleed like i bled swallow the words you said life in torture’s worse than being dead cut the shirts you lent me into crop tops yeah, i’ll knock your socks off (with a blow torch instead) fucking with you’s worse than being dead la dee da dee da la dee da dee da ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

The former guitarist of The Aquadolls was also her longtime boyfriend, but the two broke up during their 2016 tour. Bleach is about him, and explains how, “the breakup was really painful for [her] and while traveling on tour amidst the drama, [she] had nowhere else to vent [except on her] notebook paper.” Two years later, we are finally able to hear this vent, which she transformed into something raw and relatable we can listen to and share.

free download: https://theaquadolls.bandcamp.com/album/bleach-7 i run away from my problems i run away from the truth i run away from what’s good for me but i can’t run away from you i run away from my problems i run away from the truth i run away from what’s good for me but i can’t run away from you run tell your friends it was nice to meet them but they’re not for me there’s nothing wrong with them it’s just my social anxiety :/ i don’t say much out loud cuz im always thinking get you all alone and, mmm mmm mmm, run away with me run i know you’re poison ivy don’t you wanna sting me? my hot thoughts burning up like lava inside of me come on let me burn you come on let me burn you come on let me burn you come on let me burn you run

Runaway is about the difficulties that come with crushing on someone, especially when you are already struggling with your own self-love issues. It’s about, “having a crush on someone and struggling to express it because the fear of fucking it all up before anything happens” (which I think is something we’ve all battled with before).

It’s been confirmed that the now former bassist of the band, Bella, has left to pursue her own music (which we cannot wait to hear). This does however raise some questions as to who the new members might be, now that Melissa is the last Aquadoll standing. We’re not worried though, this girl is a staple for girl power, and will stop at nothing to achieve her passions.

Although she is still working out who will replace the three missing members, she has two upcoming shows alongside Dog Party on July 25th at The Locker Room in Garden Grove, and July 26th at A Very Rare Shop in Los Angeles.

Melissa also had some final words of wisdom for anyone reading, and advises you all to, “Fuck anyone who ever tells you that you’re incapable of doing something. Everyone reading this has a bright light of energy inside the, and there own way of shining it, but make sure it’s positive for your mental health and well-being! Follow your heart, blah blah blah.”

Both these new songs appropriately represent Melissa’s growth since her last release, and I think I speak for everyone when I say how truly excited we are for this new chapter of The Aquadolls. You go Mel, never lose that “fuck you” attitude we admire so much, you empower girls in the scene everywhere, and I know big things are to come. Thank you for talking with us, and sharing such personal stories in these new tracks. Keep Rocking.