Rocktober w/ The Aquadolls

A few days ago we did an interview with lead singer of The Aquadolls (and cosmic space babe), Melissa Brooks, on all things Halloween! Featuring an exclusive hallow-themed photo shoot & covering topics from upcoming shows, new music suggestions, scary movies, and fucking Edward Scissorhands? Keep reading for more spoopy insight.


1. Can you give me some more information on your upcoming shows? (Anything people should know)

Since June, we’ve been really busy playing a lot of shows, it seems like we’ve had one almost every week since then! Halloween is my favorite holiday, so for the month of October I booked a bunch of shows and have been promoting it as ROCKTOBER! Every show we’ve been dressing in costumes, because Halloween to us isn’t just October 31st, it’s October 1st through November 2nd. Scratch that actually, it’s Halloween all year long (LOL).

We’ve played a couple shows with No Parents which were super fun, and now we have two upcoming festivals and our own Halloween party. Saturday October 21st we’re opening up Spookylust in Whittier at Da Dank with Beach Bums and Sloppy Jane at 4:20pm, and then we’re going to Santa Ana to headline Fright Night with Bane’s World and The Flytraps at 11pm. The week after that is SPOOPYLAND: A Halloween Experience at The Smell in Los Angeles. That one’s our Halloween party, and that one’s going to be the real banger of a show.

2. What are you most excited for about it?

Every year I try to host my own Halloween show and I love going all out on everything. Blood oozing from the cracks in the walls, spoopy decorations, and most importantly, it’ll be frighteningly fun! I’ll be DJing spoopy classics with all the middle school grinding songs in between sets so the party doesn’t stop. I’m also very excited to see everyone’s costumes!

3. Can you reveal what you’re going to be or is that a secret?

IT’S A SECRET ;) BUT it’s going to be so funny. It’ll be worth the mystery.

4. What costumes do you hope to see in the crowd!

If anyone dresses up as Bella or me and it’s good we’ll throw some merch at you. Otherwise, I’m looking for unique stuff I suppose! It’s also fun when people wear those giant inflatable costumes, like the giant baby or a dinosaur. Last year’s Halloween show we had a costume contest and the winner was the dinosaur, because who doesn’t love dinosaurs? (Small side note, that dino was my friend Angelina who went with me to the show haha.)  


5. What’s your favorite horror movie and why?

I am a super extreme horror movie buff. My all-time favorite is Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the 1974 classic obviously). I love the way it’s shot and the sound effects make it is if the viewers watching are inside of the world of Leatherface. Some of my other favorites are The Shining, Amityville Horror, The Wizard of Gore, and The Evil Dead. Also, just throwing this in here but if you wanna see a horror movie that is just straight up bizarre and completely fucked up, watch Begotten, but don’t watch it alone and I also wouldn’t eat any popcorn while watching it, unless watching someone de-gut themselves makes your appetite quake. 

6. If you had to live out a horror movie, which one would it be and why?

I’d love to be Lydia in Beetlejuice because Winona Ryder is so cute in that movie and has the best outfits and a pretty sick camera too. If not her, I’d be Morticia Addams in The Addams Family because her and Gomez are creepy couple goals and she’s always serving looks and getting mad love from her mans. 

7. Fuck marry kill: Dracula, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice.

Marry Dracula for his nice house, fuck Edward Scissorhands because he’s damn hot and it could be kinky sex but I don’t know if I could commit to him with his hands, you feel? I need someone who can touch me right, but it could be interesting for one night I suppose. And kill Beetlejuice because he’s an asshole!

8. Any new projects in the works? (Both music or just in general!)

As a lot of you know, we’ve been going through some lineup changes, but it’s inspired a lot inside of Bella and I and we’re starting to jam up new ideas. Also, I’ve been doing concert photography with my friend @m.haight which has been super fun. I’m beginning to expand into fashion and more art projects, and soon I’ll be sharing my first photography project titled “Youth Against Bigotry,” which is a collection of photos responding to the terrifying situation America is in regarding the Cheeto in office, disgusting Nazis, ugly racists, gross pigs, and straight up calling them out!


9. What’s new with The Aquadolls! Fill the fans in on what’s been happening and what they can expect in the future.

Expect a lot of shows for sure! We’ll be going up to the Bay area in November and are making plans to come back to San Diego, as well as a possible West Coast mini-tour in the winter! Lots of jamming and lots of crying and lots of laughter and lots of fun.

10. Anything else you’d like to be included in the interview just throw out there! 

I’d like to shout out some artists and bands that I’m really digging lately: GirliCucoClairoTemporex, SminoMiquela, Worn-TinCosmo PykeRex Orange County, Yellow DaysKing KruleBillie EilishSOPHIEHannah Diamond, Jerry Paper, Forth Wanderers, and Current Joys are taking over my Spotify playlists. Bless their talented souls, all of them. Also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN SPOOPY BABES!!!!!!
