Rising Alt-Rock Group, Faulkner

A few months ago we were given the opportunity to talk to Dimitri Farougias, bass player for the “bi-coastal” alternative rock group, Faulkner. Working with some of the most iconic names in music, this band is here to turn some heads and make a name for themselves in the music industry. Keep reading to find out about the background of the band, what it was like working with RZA of Wu-Tang Clan, and the response to their debut EP.


Okay, can you tell me a little bit of background and major influences for your band? How’d you get together, how did you come up with the name, etc.

We met in 2013, basically through the LA music scene, and we hit it off right away. Started getting together and doing some writing sessions, it was all great, so we kept going. As far as the name goes, uh, there are several…several stories. I could chose one but I’d rather keep it a mystery. 

What were some of your major influences while you were forming as a band?

Definitely The Clash, David Bowie, Dr. Dre, and then for some newer bands, we love The Killers and The Strokes.

Oh yeah, what’s it like working with people that have produced iconic names in music like Wu-Tang Clan, and like you said, The Killers and The Strokes? What do they bring to your project that you couldn’t get anywhere else?

Well they’re all kind of masters of their craft in their own way. RZA from Wu-Tang is probably one of the most intelligent human beings we’ve ever met and worked with. He incorporates knowledge of science and philosophy and math and put all into his craft, it’s just mind-blowing to observe. The man just drops major wisdom on us while working with us. 

Mark Needham who’s worked with, you know, The Killers and Imagine Dragons, he’s just a legend on his own. He’s an incredible engineer, producer, mixer, and provided really good guidance. 

JP Bowersock who worked on the first few Strokes albums, the guy can REALLY direct, and he’s a master of picking the right take. When you don’t think that’s the one, he tells you to go back to it and you’re like “yeah you were right.” Also he loves to bring this gritty element to the production where we track most of the instrumentals live, so he doesn’t care if there’s a few mistakes here and there. He wants to keep all of that in there, so it provides a little bit more authenticity to the production, it’s not just super clean. 

Why did you decide to get into music, and where do you think you’d be right now if you never made that choice in your life?

Ah, good question, I think music finds you. I don’t think you choose to be a musician, it just kind of falls in your lap, your parents or a friend will pass you an instrument. You touch it, you feel it, and start messing around with it, all of a sudden you find yourself in love with it. If it wasn’t for music, damn I don’t know, um… I’d probably be in an insane asylum somewhere.

In a… Why would you be in an insane asylum?

It’s just that, music keeps me sane, keeps me centered.

I feel that on a spiritual level man. So, you guys released your debut EP, “REVANCHIST,” in March of last year, did the response to that fall short or exceed your expectations? Also, what were you trying to say about your band with this release? 

Personally I think we couldn’t have been any happier with the way it came out. I think the music, the production of the music, all our hard work with the music videos, it was just a very very well done project that is ongoing. There will be a full album release probably around the end of this year. So, yeah, I actually couldn’t be any happier with it,at that point when it came out, that sound was pretty subversive. There are some themes of revenge and retribution in the EP, but when the full album comes along, I think there will be a general balance between retribution and hope. 

What can fans expect from your music in the future, and how do you plan to grow, not only as musicians, but as people?

I think what they can expect with these future releases is somewhat of a lighter vibe, more pop-y, maybe more dance-able. And then as musicians, you know you never stop growing period. We all take our craft very seriously and we all still very much get down and study. As people, well that’s the same, we never stop learning. I think it all depends on the time and space and the people you surround yourself with but I think we’re in a really good place with the band right now. We’re all happy and excited, and as long as we keep that going then we’re good.


Huge thank you to Dimitri for talking to us all the way back in the summer, I had such a wonderful time talking and really appreciate him taking the time to answer our questions! Make sure you stay up do date on Faulkner’s whereabouts and current releases, some exciting stuff is in the works. Can’t wait to see what they do next.

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