Soccer Mommy @ The Echo

The solo fan (as in, appliance) in the corner of the room didn’t do much to alleviate the heat of more than a hundred bodies packed into the relatively small theater on a surprisingly hot April day in downtown Los Angeles. Yet musicians and fans alike persisted through the stickiness for a night that was both invigorating and calming.

LA-based Hana Vu started the night with a performance I heard one audience member call “a jam and half.” Next up was Madeline Kenney with a set that was raw and emotional; her facial expressions and use of movement created a powerful layer that complimented the music itself.

Soccer Mommy, led by Nashville-based Sophie Allison, started off her set with “Henry,” and alternated between songs from the newly-released Clean, Collection, For Young Hearts, and an anecdote about an unfortunate drive through ice just a few weeks earlier on tour. Allison played a few songs by herself, including a Bruce Springsteen cover (“I’m on Fire.”) Her encore, “Waiting for Cars” was a moving and beautiful end to gorgeous set.
