Hot Flash Heat Wave & Temporex @ The Irenic


Written by Kyla Rain | Shot by Dustin Gil

Every week there seems to be a new show to attend, a new band to listen to or a new song to hear coming out of the San Diego scene. Last Saturday some of our favorite names in indie rock stole the stage and took us to church (literally). In this latest adventure, we sang along with Diners, laughed and learned to boogie with Temporex, and brought the house down with our favorite boys from the Bay Area, Hot Flash Heat Wave.

On tour with Hot Flash Heat Wave, Diners started out the night with their mellow tunes and infectious stage presence, making a new fan out of myself — as well as several other thrilled faces in the crowd. This was my first time listening to their music, and can I just say I’m a little ashamed it took me this long. My friends had always vouched for them, and encouraged me to have a listen too. It may have taken a while, but I know what songs I’ll be adding to my Spotify playlists in 2019. I’m glad my first experience with their work was live, because each chord left me swaying along and wanting more. It’s a magical thing.

Next up, one of my favorite local musicians and friends, Temporex. His stage presence was nothing less than comedic gold, with every two minutes in between songs occupied by witty banter and side jokes thrown in the direction of the crowd. When each song began, Joseph took over the whole stage with his energy and best boogieing dance moves, bringing a smile to every face in the crowd. Accompanied by his angel of a girlfriend, Victoria, this duo makes for one of the most positive, groovy, and heartwarming sets I’ve been able to experience.

Finally, headlining the night & sending the crowd into a frenzy, Hot Flash Heat Wave. Complete chaos took over right when these boys stepped on stage, fans restless to start dancing and crowdsurfing the moment they were let loose. And trust me, that’s exactly what they did. Not a single person sulking around the walls of the venue, each attendee was ready and present, whether that be packed in the front or dancing with friends in the back. A new kid went up every few minutes, gripping a phone in hopes to document the moment with solid evidence. Security really gave it their best, but the crowd refused to be kept down, and in the end I watched as one of the guards finally admitted defeat and took up post near the emergency exit, silently watching the rest of the performance and the occasional unfortunately dropped crowdsurfer.

Overall this had to be one of my best experiences at The Irenic, a San Diego staple known for its holy energy, from priests and musicians alike.
