Grief Isn't Red, It's Blue

★  words and zine by molly jones

‘Grief isn’t red, it’s blue’ is an honest and heartfelt experience with grief. Grief came into my life a year ago — it’s funny how quickly you become accustomed to it in your life. This publication intertwines everything I have learned, and how I moved forward.

Grief never goes away; it doesn’t weaken or strengthen. Some days it’s more noticeable than others, but that’s ok.

Let it linger, let it consume you — but never ignore it. 


“I was very clear at the beginning that I didn’t want this publication to revolve around death. Death is final and certain; grief is not.”


This project is a tribute to my beautiful mum who has taught me so much and even in her absence — I am still learning. I was very clear at the beginning that I didn’t want this publication to revolve around death. Death is final and certain; grief is not. It isn’t so much the death that’s the hardest, it’s living with it. It’s learning to face a world that now looks a little greyer and scarier without that person holding your hand. 

The words in the publication were written over the course of a year; they document the different stages of understanding grief. I felt quite vulnerable sharing it with the world, so I showed it to my sister first. I was met with tears and laughter — she said it was the first time that anyone managed to articulate what she was feeling, a feeling that she couldn’t put into words until now. I realised then that I didn’t create this publication for me but for everyone in the world that has experienced grief.

This publication isn’t a guidebook, either — it isn’t the answers you have been looking for if you’re experiencing grief. Instead, it’s a shared experience. Grief enters everyone’s lives at some point… wouldn’t it be nice if we started to acknowledge it?


“This project is a tribute to my beautiful mum who has taught me so much, and even in her absence — I am still learning.”