WizTheMc on his Genre-Bending New Release: What About Now

written by Sasha Rtishchev || photo by Myles Maximme

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WizTheMc’s latest EP, What About Now, is now streaming on all music services. This upbeat release is a perfect pick-me-up on a dreary autumn night as rain, uncertainty, and fear knock at the door. As the 17 minute EP plays, rap and pop create a warm feeling that spreads throughout your body. 

The second track, “All My Friends Are Stoned,” expands the energy created in the exposition. It feels like a typical Wiz song, as it blends rap, R&B, and pop into one tune that surpasses all expectations. The simple, cycling instrumentals let the vocals stand out while ensuring that the song will be stuck in your head the whole day. 

The rest of the EP lives up to the standard that this song has set. The opening, “For A Minute,” has amassed over 11 million listens on Spotify and deserves a million times more than that. It has me dancing in my room like I’m the main character in a cheesy coming of age movie, feeling love and validation for the first time.

Pure Nowhere was able to talk to WizTheMC about this EP and what influenced it. 

Tell us a little about yourself. What makes you feel at home?

I’m a simple man. I don’t need much for me to feel at home. I need my little mic and computer set up and then maybe some frozen pizza and fruit in the kitchen and that’s about it. I’m set and don’t need to move for a week. Otherwise, I’m an indoor type of person, so I’m lowkey looking forward to winter. In the winter, I can make a hibernation mixtape and not go outside for 3 months!

How are you spending your time in lockdown? Pick up any fun hobbies or watch any interesting shows?

After a solid 6 years of not playing any guitar, I picked it up again this February and am slowly getting to a point where I can make demos with my own guitar playing which is pretty exciting to me.

Regarding shows, I’ve recently gotten into Bob’s Burgers, but it’s tough watching like 40 episodes in a row. I try to keep it to one every two nights, so it keeps on being exciting.

I also feel like my attention span isn’t the longest so it's hard for me to commit to full movies sometimes. TV shows are more my speed, I guess!

How has your history in South Africa and in Germany affected your music? How does your present in Toronto play into your pieces?

I feel like Cape Town, besides it being my birthplace, has contributed a lot to me as a person in regards to my perspective and my understanding of how people in different circumstances live their lives. It has just made me feel very grateful. I have food in the fridge and clean water to drink — I’m set for life. I always feel like I create my own world in any room I’m making music from, so it’s hard for me to say how these locations directly affect my music, but Toronto feels like home to me now due to the many memorable moments I’ve accumulated here over time. At the end of the day every moment, every experience, and every location becomes a part of me and my music in some way.

Describe What About Now in three words.

Fresh, genre-bending, and recommendable. 

“I always feel like I create my own world in any room I’m making music from. At the end of the day every moment, every experience, and every location becomes a part of me and my music in some way.”

Take us through your song crafting process. How do you write lyrics and create beats?

It’s very simple to me. I’m a songwriter that really likes to be instinctual with my work. When I produce my own stuff, it usually starts with picking a sample or playing a riff. Then I build a beat around it and start freestyling until something sticks. When I’m with another producer, I usually have them take full control of the music, and I just direct and guide them with my taste.

What was the hardest song to write? Why?

Honestly, I can’t give you an answer to that. I mostly go for what comes naturally. As soon as something feels forced, I try to stop and breathe. I often also just walk away from the song and do something completely different. 

How do you want listeners to feel after hearing your EP?

I want them to feel excited about what’s to come. I want them restless. I want every single friend of theirs to be annoyed by them constantly talking about this WizTheMc guy. I want them hungrier than ever for 2021!

Are there any particular themes you explored? How did you delve into them?

Love. Lots of love. During the making of the EP, I was in my first real relationship and had lots to talk about. Otherwise, there were just random things that were on my mind. The whole EP gives the audience a deeper look inside my head. With every song more and more layers of who I am will be revealed, and I can’t wait to learn more about myself through writing my own songs and hearing feedback from the fans.

Your music definitely blends modern-day pop and rap into one of a kind masterpieces. Why do you think it's so fluid? And, who are your influences?

I loved pop when I was younger and then fell in love with rap when I turned 15 years old. Becoming good at rapping was the plan and the pop got reintroduced through my producer Hugo in Berlin and now I’m learning to blend more and more genres with the help of Jeff Hazin, my producer in Toronto. It all comes together very naturally, I never thought about blending anything - it just came about.

Anything else you want to share?

Make sure to show the EP to your parents and grandparents- I want feedback from the OG’s. I love you guys!

Stream What About Now on Spotify and Apple Music

Keep up with WizTheMc on Instagram