Desktop Diaries: Field Medic

Interview & Photos by Athena Merry, Collages by Jade

these interviews were conducted over zoom + email between april and july of 2020. the answers are mostly unedited, offering an honest insight into the headspace of various bands/musicians across the world during these months.

you can read more desktop diaries here.

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Field Medic

How have you been, really

At first I was kind of okay, when it was going to be for 2 weeks or a month… but at this point I feel like I’m losing my marbles a little bit. I’m so antsy to do something - anything.

How has quarantine affected the way you create? Are there any changes that surprised you? Anything that’s remained the same?

The first part of quarantine was fun because I made an entire emo trap EP. Since then though, I’ve been struggling to write as much as i’d like to. I tend to like to walk around & observe people & happenings for inspiration & there’s none of that going on now. I’m trapped in my own head!

Where have you been finding inspiration in isolation? And expanding on that, what’s the most random thing that has inspired you?

Kratom at the beginning… Alcohol in the middle… Weed now.

What does your typical day look like now? 

I wake up around 8 & have some coffee… Then I’ll eat something & read & write for a couple hours. Then get on the computer & do whatever needs to be done that day. Then in the evening I take a long walk or go for a bike ride?

Have you picked up any new habits? (conscious or unconscious) 

I’ve been doing skincare regularly which is a habit I tried in the past but never stuck to. So that’s one good thing!

What do you find important right now? This can be as broad and world-effecting or as small and self-focused as you want. 

For my own personal sanity I’m finding it important now more than ever to remember to disconnect from social media & the internet sometimes & just be. There’s so much news coming at all times & a lot of it is pretty dark… there have been some days where I just keep refreshing & eventually short circuit. It’s good to stay informed & be proactive, but when you’re completely overwhelmed you can’t be of much us

As a musician unable to play live shows - how do you find yourself connecting with fans, now? How do you think this is impacting our experience of and relationship with music? 

In the beginning of quarantine I did a few livestreams & was generally active online with listeners, but lately I’ve taken a step back to try & get my own head on straight & get back in touch with creativity. Even though it sucks not getting to play shows, this time is really giving me pause for thought to think deeper about what direction I want to head in & discover new ways of creating… so I just hope when shows come back they’re even better.

Tell us about the last time you truly felt free.

My roommates & I went to this isolated farm a few weeks ago & hiked up a mountain… It felt so free & fun.

What’s something you’re proud of at the moment? 

I’m proud to be attempting to get Gucci Mane fit once more… so I can come out of quarantine in good shape.

What’s one thing you wish you would have done more of? One thing you will do more of after the pandemic has ended?

I think when all this is over I’m gonna be way more appreciative of social interactions. Hopefully be less shy & anxious about doing new things & just go for it.