WATCH: my thoughts at 15

We have a dedicated space on the site to short films we love, but every so often a clip crosses our virtual desk that’s so good we just HAVE to talk about it. Enter, ‘my thoughts at fifteen’, 90 seconds of joy from the beautiful Ginny. She wraps up the tender sweetness and intense confusion of adolescence in the most intimate of ways, with soft lurid lighting and dreamy handwritten graphics playing out across the screen.

Frankly, it’s how I felt at fifteen, reflected in the most visually vulnerable way possible. I think it’s probably how we all felt at fifteen, and therein lies the magic of Ginny’s filmmaking.

Enjoy <3

hello there! i made this little number just to document how i feel as of right now. By saying that i feel weird, i don't mean that i feel like i am a weird person. I just feel as though i'm in a weird mindset and am beginning to look at things in a different light.