a reminder to feel more


by Cici Castillo

A reminder.

To the person reading this,

Whatever you are going through, you will get through.

Wherever you are hurting, will heal.

Every person that has been in your life and will be is there for a reason.

To teach you something, to give you memories to hold onto.

This may not seem true when we get hurt, when we feel like it is all temporary, when we feel like giving up.

But let yourself feel.

I am reminding you to do this, because us humans tend to forget the most beautiful thing about us.

Emotions. Our ability to feel. We hide it, suppress it, or cant take the pain so we do anything to make it stop.

Cry like you have never cried before, feel that pain and recognize it.

Love like it’s your last time.

Be angry because you have a right.

Vulnerability is okay.

We get to a certain age where the wounds we develop are not ones our parents can kiss and put a bandage on.

The beauty about me and you and everyone around us is the fact that we all have a chance to grow.

We evolve, and learn and it is beautiful.

I am here, reminding you that the worst thing you can do to yourself is take away the parts
of you that make you human.

We worry so much about the future we forget to live.

That dream you have will come true the minute you decide that it is what you want to do with your existence,
with this small life we have been given, and that you refuse to live any other way.

And to not know is okay too.

I am writing this because we are too hard on ourselves, so worried that we won’t find a purpose,
or that if we do we won’t fulfill it.

So worried about what could go wrong so we don’t give ourselves the privilege of taking risks.

You will make so many more mistakes, you will fall in love, get your heart broken and fall in love again.

You will change your major, fail a class, get told you cant do it and want to give up.

You will live, you will learn and you will achieve.

So to the person reading this, be proud of being human, the blood that runs through your veins the heart
that is pumping in your chest, and the emotions you feel, are all there to remind you.

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