Starcrawler: Debut Album & Live at Soda Bar

written by Kyla Rain

photography by Jose Lopez

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been practically exploding in anticipation for the debut album from LA rock group, Starcrawler. Let me just get it out there, I attempted to stay up until midnight last night because I was that excited, knowing full well that I had work the next morning. Sadly, I only made it until 10 p.m. before I fell asleep. Anticlimactic, I know. But waking up this morning and realizing that it was out made up for everything, and for the first time in 2018 I started the day off the right way. 

My personal favorites from this album are “Full of Pride” and “Let Her Be,” although the latter was released well before the drop of the full LP, it’s still something I’m completely obsessed with. I had first heard the song on YouTube while watching the music video, which I’m not even going to go into it was so beautiful, watch it for yourself and experience the magic. Front woman Arrow de Wilde and guitarist Henri Cash have an undeniable chemistry and infectious energy when it comes to their performances, both showcased live and in their currently released music videos.

“Full of Pride” is a catchy little dis-track that nearly had me in tears once I really began to pay attention to the lyrics.

“Because you’re a picky little bitch, no matter how I word it. You’re always full of shit, and everyone has heard it. You’re as dumb as a bum and I can’t even take it no more.”

True. Poetry.

Drummer Austin Smith has some major highlighting moments in their album, letting people know that’s he’s good at what he does and he knows it. Honestly, I’m completely in love with the emphasis this band puts on their drums, and the overall grittiness it contributes to in each song. The guitar in every single track never disappoints, I didn’ think it was possible, but Henri Cash has literally outdone himself. Maybe this whole review is a little biased just because of how much I love this band right now, but that guitar is absolutely insane it leaves me at a loss for words. Please teach me how to shred like that, I hope one day to be able to rock that hard. The vocals of Arrow de Wilde? What can I say about it, besides the fact that it is completely and entirely her own. This album really showcases her range in technique, one moment it’s slow and hypnotic like in “Tears,” and the next, a song like “Pussy Riot” comes on and you’re just like, whoa. I really dig the vocals in that one, it reminds me of the 90s’ riot grrrl bands, the way her voice fluctuates and the lyrics themselves too. She’s a total icon and always brings her whole heart into everything, it’s so beautiful. Bass is probably my favorite instrument when it comes to live performances, it’s what you feel coming up through the floor, in your stomach and in your teeth. It’s one of the best parts of seeing a band in person (I think), you get to actually feel each bass line like it’s a part of you. That’s what bassist Tim Franco does through my speakers, I can’t imagine the feeling live.

Starcrawler has this effortless energy that sets them apart, it’s very in-your-face and unapologetic, I can’t seem to think of the word for it to save my life. It’s like… vulgar? But in a good way, if that makes any sense. That’s not quite the right word I was thinking of, and I had a better one for it earlier today, but can’t seem to remember right now, oh well. I hope you understand what I’m trying to get across. It’s a kind of recklessness that a lot of up-and-coming bands today don’t have, and I really admire the kind of art that they make, both on stage and in the recording studio.

Make sure to check out Starcrawler’s debut album, available now. Also, enjoy these never before seen photos from the group’s San Diego show at Soda Bar!


Starcrawler, an album by Starcrawler on Spotify