Lunar Vacation: "Swell"

by Emily Brower

Lunar Vacation, the pool rock band from Atlanta, Georgia are breaking into a larger scene with the release of their new EP, “Swell,” with it’s laid back indie rock sound the five song EP is perfect for a summer day at the beach (or the pool).


Opening with “Blue Honey,” the lines “I just can’t stand to leave you so soon,” can resonate with just about anyone, and the relaxed tone of the song makes you want to just hop in a car and drive through the night with no specific location in mind. Continuing with a slower sound, “Swimming,” and “Monterey,” encapsulate a sense of nostalgia and the smooth vocals leave you day dreaming about experiences you’ve never even had.

The fourth track, “Sleepy Couch,” brings a simple more up beat melody that you could have playing at anytime and never get tired of. The surf rock inspired “pool rock” sound that Lunar Vacation portray throughout this EP is unfaltering and a staggering performance for such a young band.

The last track, “Swell,” brings the whole EP together with a kind of intimacy that you can only hope for your favorite artists to have. The instrumentals and vocals on this track are outstanding and each individual line has it’s own emotion weaved into it.

Overall the whole EP is timeless and Lunar Vacation is definitely a name to look out for in the future. The “Swell” EP is available on Spotify and iTunes, and Bandcamp.

Swell, an album by Lunar Vacation on Spotify