Re-Launch Annoucement
BTS shooting a music video for The Burbs
If you’re an old Sea Foaming follower, you’re probably wondering what the hell’s going on. If you’re a pre-existing Pure Nowhere follower, you’re probably thinking the same thing. (Unless you follow us on Instagram and are already in the loop!)
Sea Foaming was an art/culture/soul/surf publication run out of Melbourne, Australia, by me (Abby). Pure Nowhere was a music/culture publication based in San Diego, CA, run by Kyla. Several months back, Kyla and I officially partnered our magazines, describing it as an off-beat, constantly evolving collaboration between two teenage girls, determined to combine their platforms and basically change the world of youth media.
Here’s what came of that:
We were both, independently, able to bring our dream print issues to life (both of which are halfway through production!)
We were inspired to found Peach Pit Collective, an initiative that begins May 1! (Read more here).
Perhaps most importantly, our friendship developed, and we realized we had shockingly similar dreams.
Approximately three weeks ago, I sent Kyla a long-winded email detailing an idea I’d had, and all the reasons it was both a terrible and completely awesome idea. Luckily, Kyla’s very good at putting up with my badly explained plans, and suddenly everything was in motion.
Why don’t we combine our publications??
[ that was pretty much the gist ]
So began a two-and-a-bit-week whirlwind as we tried to figure out the logistics, the possibilities & the problems. Despite my confident assurance that it would take a day or two max, we ended up speaking to nearly a dozen WordPress support people (shout-out to the beautiful Mahanhu, our favourite) and spending hours upon hours on FaceTime, mostly in silence as we worked on the site.
So – what’s changed?
Nothing, really.
We’re still publishing just as much music content, and just as much culture content, as originally present on both blogs. Now, it’s just in the same place.
Well – what’s better?
We’ll be publishing a new post every day. 10am, AEST, 5pm, GMT-7.
Plus, new mixtapes & recommended short films every week.
AND, a Pure Nowhere podcast? Coming at you soon?
Two print issues, by the end of the year.
TONS more collaborations.
Plus shows, meetups, tours and more, planned across the world.
(you guys aren’t even ready ;) was a hugely important phase in my life. The old Pure Nowhere was equally important to Kyla. The original forms of our publications shaped our dreams, and orchestrated our chance meeting. We’re eternally grateful to our original communities, and excited to see them combine and expand.
Actually, excited doesn’t even begin to cut it. We are exploding.
Let’s start a revolution, yeah?