Break From Reality

Photography & Passage by Dustin Gil


It’s just part of life, living in San Diego.

You see it on your way to school, or on your way home. Growing up here, the ocean is just a part of your life. I can’t imagine not living next to it.

I’m lucky enough to have friends who are good surfers, and a Nikonos film camera, so I always have something good to shoot, as long as the waves are decent enough. Swimming out with your camera in hand at sunset with a couple of your buddies in December is really a unique feeling I can’t describe. You can show up to the ocean with your brain running wild about deadlines, money, the future… but when you get out there, all that stuff goes away.

Like a break from reality and the real world, the ocean clears your mind.
You can’t help but leave feeling rejuvenated with a better outlook.