Relaunch 2.0

cover photo shot by Nadz Banaag, for our upcoming print issue

We’re back, baby.

It’s been 8 or 10 weeks or something. Enough time for me to break my phone twice, roadtrip down the coast, drop a class, go vegetarian, buy a new laptop, fall in love and spend $500+ on concert tickets. Oh - and get the site back online.

Since the Pure Nowhere x Sea Foaming merge back in April-ish, we’ve gone through a LOT of trial and error. Turns out, Kyla and I had a whole lot of learning to do. So between a stack of mistakes, time-zones that still mess us up, interns, my terrible reply game, senior year, conflicting ideas … Pure Nowhere was sort of – well, going nowhere. (get it)

So what do you do when you’re feeling stuck? Redecorate. Obviously.

We have a brand new site! You probably noticed. And it’s looking pretty damn awesome, if you ask me. The switch from Wordpress to Squarespace has been … exhausting. And that’s an understatement. But so worth it.

On top of that, we’ve finally decided to build up an editorial team. Though our team of contributors, writers and photographers are pretty much singlehandedly responsible for where we are today, we knew we couldn’t continue to move forward alone. So - we’ll be hiring editors & assistants for different categories, which is all going to bring YOU a much more smooth & reliable Pure Nowhere experience.

Frankly, we know we’ve been all over the place. And though Kyla has continually demonstrated she is the most incredible freaking person in the world by keeping out Instagram, emails & DMs up to date, the site definitely took a few turns.

But transparency is good. We want to be as honest as possible with all of you, because we mess up all the time, and most importantly, that’s totally okay. Everything’s a learning curve. We just want to thank you for sticking with us through all of this – every message, email, comment, post we’re tagged in – it means the world.

We’re always going on about some exciting project in the works, but honestly, the next few months are gonna be so much fun. We’re releasing out first print issue! And then a second one! With new partnerships, we’ll have more concert galleries than ever, bringing the magic of live music straight into your own home/apartment/kitchen/café-down-the-street-with-wifi. Plus you can expect a lot more surf content, interviews with your FAVOURITE bands … you know the drill.

So, yeah. Here we go. Relaunch 2.0.


Love, Abby and Kyla <3