Hockey Dad (In, Like, Four Minutes)

Five years ago, two small-town childhood friends came together to form the Australian surf-rock band known as Hockey Dad.


Derived from the prevalent surf and skate scene of New South Wales, their musical disposition leans towards a 60’s revival surf sound, apparent in their debut EP, Dreamin’. Recently, they’ve taken a new turn with grunge influences manifested in their latest album, BLEND INN.

After contacting Hockey Dad in the hopes of an interview, I spent a restless day waiting for a response, before deciding to take matters into my own hands. I headed to their show with a couple of friends, and it was amazing, but the possibility of an interview was all I could really think about. Growing discouraged, and ready to head home, I decided to drive around the back of the venue with two friends on the off chance they might be loading their equipment. I noticed a mop of blonde hair belonging to the drummer, and before I could lose my newfound courage, I jumped out of the car.

Seems like it all paid off in the end! Big thank you to the guys from Hockey Dad for agreeing to this last-minute interview!

Would you guys mind stating your names and your contribution to the band?

Billy: I’m Billy, and I play drums.

Zach: I’m Zach, and I play guitar and sing.

This isn’t the first time you’ve played at Soma San Diego, right? You guys toured with The Frights pretty recently. How did that happen?

Billy: By chance, I guess. Our booker suggested that we do it, and then we listened to The Frights and we were like f**k yeah! So we did it. It was a great idea.

What musicians did you grow up listening to that inspired you?

Billy: Well, I kind of grew up on punk, mostly from my siblings, so that was kind of a massive thing for me. And Zach, he grew up on whatever. Ash Grunwald.

So, after seeing the video for “I Need a Woman,” I started to see the song in a new light, enjoyed it even more than I had before. What’s the story behind that? 

Zach: So, we had no budget for the film clip, we just got our friend Brent to film us running around doing nothing.

Billy: And it turned out to be a video! (laughs)

Filmed, edited & directed by Brett Randall. Capturing the essence of their hometown. Produced and Mixed by Tom Iansek (Big Scary) at Mixed Business Studios, Fitzroy VIC. Mastered by Rick O'Neil at Turtlerock Studios, Leichardt NSW.

Where was it filmed? 

Billy: I Need a Woman was filmed at home. We just did a lap of our hometown, pretty much. You can do a lap of our hometown in three minutes.

Zach: Three minutes?! I’m calling twenty.

Billy: I swear the song’s, like, four minutes.

How did you guys meet?

Zach: We lived, like, two houses away from each other.

Billy: We met in the womb, we were separated by birth [laughs]. Nah, we just grew up together, and pretty much as long as I’ve had a working brain I’ve known Zach.

Were you guys just bored and one day decided to pick up instruments?

Billy: Nah…

Zach: Pretty much!

Billy: Well, actually, yeah! We were young, we’d just started surfing, Zach’s dad had some instruments out the back… we were just f**king around. And it turned out to sort of be a thing.

Is it safe to assume that most of your music is influenced by the surf and skate culture in Australia?

Billy: Yeah, it’s pretty good at the moment. Like, when we started doing music there wasn’t much of a scene or anything going on, but at the moment it’s amazing. It’s cool to see it grow into what it is.

How did the name ‘Hockey Dad’ come about? 

Billy:  It was off The Simpsons. We were just watching reruns one night, and I don’t know how it came about actually, but it’s pretty funny. We like a good laugh.
