What's Your Favourite Colour?


HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA – The house near the back of the cul de sac seems like any other in that neighborhood: It’s tan, two story, with a white gate and a garage. But out of the window drifts the sound of synthesizers, vocals, guitars and drum beats.

“That was so sick! Now lets try adding Nicky’s part here, ” says Matt Warren, the lead vocalist/frontman of the band known as Your Favorite Color.


Your Favorite Color is five-piece alternative indie rock band consisting of Luke Fuhrman (drums), Ari Miranda (bass), David Silveria  (guitar), Nicky Neighbors (keys), and Matt Warren (vocals and guitar), all out of Huntington Beach. Influenced by one another and similar rising artists in the industry, the band is different from most musicians in today’s millennial society. They’re not in it for the fame or fortune – the group all has a true passion for music. They want to provide music for every person and every mood despite genre differences, and are very adamant on staying true to themselves along the way.

“As long as its true to us, we don’t want to do some fake sh*t,”
– Matt on the group’s music decisions.



The entire band grew up scattered about Huntington Beach. Though they all lived in the northern and southern parts of Huntington, a common theme influencing both their music and them personally is the surf culture, visible in all parts of Huntington.

“Whether it’s surfing, a break up, a crazy party, if the memory carries a strong emotion it
usually shows itself in our music,” says David Silveria, lead guitarist.

If it weren’t for their shared experience of the typical surf culture and beach lifestyle, their music would be completely different. All the band’s personal influences range in a variety of genres and musicians. Some prefer a more poppy tone, such as Luke, who’s influenced by bands such as Foster the People and The 1975, whereas others, like Nicky, prefer the harder type of rock artists such as Muse. But, as a collective unit, they each bring something different to the table, providing their listeners with the perfect color/tone of music.

Hence, the newly established meaning of the band name Your Favorite Color. Though it originated from their song “Your Favorite Color is Red and Mine is Blue”, they feel this new meaning behind their band name expresses who they want to be as artists.


The group’s performed in several cities around California, but the coolest experience they’ve had so far was the opportunity to perform at Springboard Fest in San Diego. Here, they had the chance to meet and work with mentors and investors as well as bands from different areas. The festival opened a lot of doors for them, but some of their favorite shows to play are still closer to home.

“My favorite show I’ve been to of theirs would probably have to be one at Black Bull. I went by myself and I had a blast,” says Tara Shaughnessy, a fan of Your Favorite Color.

At these shows, the group really captivates the audience. In a video of their performance at The Whiskey, you can see the group performing at their fullest, jumping around, having fun, but still remaining intact like natural born performers. Moshing, dancing, even just head bobbing can be seen throughout the crowds at every venue they play – clearly, they’re doing something right.

“Those boys always put on an exciting show. [They have] tons of energy, and they’re simply great players,” says a member from the band ‘Moontower,’ who worked with Your Favorite Color in the past.

The guys all agree, if they could perform for the rest of their lives they would, and that mentality and love is what drives their passion for the band.


The groups single ‘Heartache’ recently premiered on KROQ Locals Only with Kat Corbett, and that’s just the start. Their first EP will arrive on May 18th, plus a show set for the end of the month. Even amidst this chaos, their passion for what they do remains, as well as their desire to accomplish something greater. They want to provide music and fun for every individual, and something that’s true to them. Ari describes the group like missionaries, spreading their music and trying to influence others along the way.

“I think the biggest thing is to change at least someone’s way of thinking… I want to see them [the audience] realize how much they can actually do with their own lives no matter who/what that is,” Ari says.
