The Mowgli's

Article by Joey Reams
Shot by 
Dilly Halstead

After a short hiatus, The Mowgli’s have returned, and they are more optimistic than ever. They are currently on a nationwide headlining tour to “get back to the basics” and reconnect with their fans. Katie Earl and Andy Warren took the time to answer a couple questions about their return and how they’re feeling about the future.


This is your first headlining tour in 18 months, what would you say is different from the last time you headlined your own tour?

ANDY: I think after taking a little hiatus, we are feeling more reinvigorated than ever. Going back into smaller rooms and getting back in touch with our fan base in an intimate setting has been awesome, and reminded us why we love doing this for a living.

You claimed that this tour was a chance to get back to the basics, what made you realize you needed to do that?

KATIE: It was less about needing to and more about wanting to. We have spent a year off of the road, re-settling into our lives at home, and we missed playing music for our fans!

You recently announced that you’re extending your partnership with The International Rescue Committee, why is this organization so important to this band?

ANDY: In this day and age, certain causes can trend and be forgotten about in a week. We think it’s important to not forget that these issues just don’t disappear overnight. The refugee crisis is still very real, and we wanted to honor our long standing partnership with them.

KATIE: We have worked with IRC a number of times in the past. They help people all over the globe who have been displaced by conflict resettle into peaceful lives. They will never stop needing help, unfortunately, so whenever we sit down to think about what charity we want to support, they always come up, and it’s always a pretty easy choice.


Sticking with this positive note, despite a plethora of negativity going on in the world, how do you manage to keep up such a loving theme in your music?

ANDY: It’s just important to always keep a positive attitude even when it seems like the world is going to hell. That’s one of the best things about our job. We get to remind people that there’s still a lot of good out there.

KATIE: It feels good to write and sing about happiness in these dark times, so it isn’t really a challenge. We just made the conscious decisions to inject some positivity into a world that can be deeply negative.

Do you have any advice for someone who is struggling to accept this type of positivity that you share?

ANDY: Just keep your chin up and weather the storm. Find solace in things like music and art and friendship. There’s a lot worth living for even in dark times.

How have the reactions been for your latest single, “Real Good Life?”

KATIE: Playing that song every night has been amazing and it has been mind blowing to see how many people sing along with us! Every night, RGL is a high point in our set.

Changing gears a little, which city is your favorite tour spot?

ANDY: We really love Chicago. Always a great time. On this tour, Boston was wildly fun. The entire place was pulsing with energy. Every single person was singing and dancing with us.

KATIE: Too tough to answer! We have made so many amazing memories in too many great cities. There are literally dozens of awesome cities in this country and we have been really lucky to have the chance to play all of them.

Which band has been your favorite to tour with?

ANDY: Oh man, so many good ones. We love Walk The Moon, Dreamers, Family of The Year. Mainland are currently our BFFs.

Do you have any plans following this tour?

ANDY: More writing, shows and hopefully some much deserved time off with our loved ones.

KATIE: Hopefully finding a better balance between home life and touring. We have to tour to get our music and our message out there, but writing and working from home, honoring our mental health and happiness, is just as important to our product. I look forward to finding that balance.

Huge thank you to The Mowgli’s for taking the time to talk with us, can’t wait to see what come next for them. Keep reading to see some photos of Mainland, the band that accompanied The Mowgli’s at their San Diego date.
